
About Me

I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I know that I love to share my thoughts, and I love to write so I think this should be fun.  I know that right now I am a dull and boring person, and that I don't have the greatest things to write about, but I will soon, I hope...

I am a college student at the moment.  I spent a semester at UNI, and then I went home for a semester and did Community College and now I am in the wonderful land of Florida at Southeastern University where God is working on my life.

I am now (and newly) the owner of a small photography company called Sandy Byers Photography (and I am taking votes on that or Snapshots by Sandy).  If you would like to check that out I have a page on facebook and hopefully a website to come soon!

I can't wait to see where life leads me, and I can't wait to let you know!