
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here it is...

I figured it was about time to let all of you know something that has been going on in my life for the past few months. Something that has taken a lot of thought, and quite a lot of prayer for me to make my decision. So here it is...

Next semester I will no longer be attending UNI. My reasons are not: because I miss home, or miss my family, or don't have friends ect... No it is not freshman sadness, no it is not just something that has not been thought through. I dont know if all of you know how this feels, but sometimes you just know when a college isn't right for you, and that is how I feel about UNI. I love the people here, I love my friends, I love my roommate, all that stuff is great. It is the school that is just not right for me. I know that this is not where I want to spend the next four years of my life, its just not the place I'm supposed to be. So because if this I have decided that the smartest choice would be to go home for a semester (its a little difficult to transfer in the middle of the year), and attend Scott, and work to save up money and such. Then next fall I will be transfering. No I do not know where I am going, I have a few different places in mind, but no where certain yet.

Sooo... I suppose opinions are welcome, but don't be rude. Cuz that is just unneccesary.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I love...

I LOVE . . .

fall nights, hot coco, jesus, my bible, leaves crunching beneath my feet, driving with the windows down and the music up, sweatpants, awesome friends, dancing in the rain, wise adults, writing things, watching the leaves change color, eating delicous things, road trips, worship music, dimly lit rooms, whispering, watching a thunderstorm, yelling, laughing, babies, laughing babies, children, cooking, being right, sitting outside on a fall night, the smell after it rains, not looking at my phone for an entire day, sleeping in, getting up really early, sunrises and sunsets, coffee houses, driving on the interstate, soft soothing music, thinking, mugs, fires, sweaters, the first snow fall, tree hunting, canoeing, not knowing, figuring it out, following through with something, having a brilliant idea, loving God, feeling loved, living, my family, driving barefoot, taking pictures, talking, dancing in the car, burning hot showers, memories, fuzzy socks, ice cream.

These are some of the many things that I love. Nothing special, just simple things that bring pure joy into my life. I am having an excellent night, and I felt as though I should share some of the joy I am feeling.

Monday, October 4, 2010

To Pass

Today as I was walking to my next class I let my mind start to wander and sift through some different things that have been going in and out of my head for awhile. And trust me, theres a lot :) But I came across the thought of my future. And not like, I would like to do this for my career and accomplish this and that (per to most college students) but rather things I have been dreaming of, and wishing to come. Maybe not right now, but certainly things that I hope will happen eventually in my life.

And then I began thinking about how these things would play out. Just playing them out in my mind like it was a movie of the next four to five years of my life. And boy, it was a good movie. But then I started thinking, it is NEVER going to happen that way. My perfect image, or film real that I have just created in my mind, is not something I am ever going to see in my life. But, I then realized that that is ok. Because, had everything happened that way, then I would not have even half of the great memories, friends, and things that I do in my life.

In life, things go crazy and never happen the way that anybody wants them to, and thats what makes them so great. Its not the moments that you look back on and say, man that would be one for a Hallmark movie! But its the moments you look back on and cry about, or the ones that you just can't stop laughing about, or even the ones that still confuse a little bit.

So I am looking foward and dreaming for these things to come, but I am not dreaming of how they will happen. I will leave that up to God, and I will just sit back and enjoy the ride as these things do come.