
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here it is...

I figured it was about time to let all of you know something that has been going on in my life for the past few months. Something that has taken a lot of thought, and quite a lot of prayer for me to make my decision. So here it is...

Next semester I will no longer be attending UNI. My reasons are not: because I miss home, or miss my family, or don't have friends ect... No it is not freshman sadness, no it is not just something that has not been thought through. I dont know if all of you know how this feels, but sometimes you just know when a college isn't right for you, and that is how I feel about UNI. I love the people here, I love my friends, I love my roommate, all that stuff is great. It is the school that is just not right for me. I know that this is not where I want to spend the next four years of my life, its just not the place I'm supposed to be. So because if this I have decided that the smartest choice would be to go home for a semester (its a little difficult to transfer in the middle of the year), and attend Scott, and work to save up money and such. Then next fall I will be transfering. No I do not know where I am going, I have a few different places in mind, but no where certain yet.

Sooo... I suppose opinions are welcome, but don't be rude. Cuz that is just unneccesary.

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