
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I love...

I LOVE . . .

fall nights, hot coco, jesus, my bible, leaves crunching beneath my feet, driving with the windows down and the music up, sweatpants, awesome friends, dancing in the rain, wise adults, writing things, watching the leaves change color, eating delicous things, road trips, worship music, dimly lit rooms, whispering, watching a thunderstorm, yelling, laughing, babies, laughing babies, children, cooking, being right, sitting outside on a fall night, the smell after it rains, not looking at my phone for an entire day, sleeping in, getting up really early, sunrises and sunsets, coffee houses, driving on the interstate, soft soothing music, thinking, mugs, fires, sweaters, the first snow fall, tree hunting, canoeing, not knowing, figuring it out, following through with something, having a brilliant idea, loving God, feeling loved, living, my family, driving barefoot, taking pictures, talking, dancing in the car, burning hot showers, memories, fuzzy socks, ice cream.

These are some of the many things that I love. Nothing special, just simple things that bring pure joy into my life. I am having an excellent night, and I felt as though I should share some of the joy I am feeling.

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