
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In College

In college:

Your sleeping habits are not regular, and naps are a frequent must

Sweat pants and T-shirts become your wardrobe... It dosn't matter how nice of a dresser you are.

Make up is no longer a must. It is a high luxury to those who get the motivation to put it on.

High Heels are not heard of during the week days

Your hands will almost be permanently glues to your laptop, even if there is nothing of real consequence or meaning on there.

Simple foods are what you survive on. Hello Raman and PB & J.

Capri Suns must be downed at high speeds.

You are no longer the 'cool kid' for not wearing a coat. You are the idiot who catches pnemonia.

Looking in the mirror rarely happens, and when said thing does happen, there is usually a shrug and then a 'who gives a crap' involved afterwards.

Disney Channel is for the AWESOME kids

Motivation to work out is a key ingreidient in this life

You no longer read for fun, because your professors have now made it not so fun.

Friends bring you joy and happiness.

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