
Friday, March 11, 2011

Miles and Minutes

Had a wonderful night with my lovely friends tonight.  Just sitting around and eating pie, and chatting.  Chatting about lots of life things, boys, girls, friends, work, school etc... etc...  It was wonderful to get together again and just talk, because a lot of us are busy and never really get the chance to talk to eachother.

Spending even these small few minutes out of my week with these important people was wonderful.  I realized how little I get to see these dear friends, and how much more I should cherish my time with them.

Lately I've been considering some big changes in my life and I'm torn as to what I'm supposed to do.  There has been a lot of prayer, a lot of research and a lot LOT of list making going on.  And no matter how much I talk about it, or no matter how many lists I make out, its not getting me closer to my decision.

There are a lot of consequences to think about, and a lot of things that are going to result from my making of this decision.  And that is a lot of pressure for me.  I can't make decisions as it is, but then theres this huge life changing thing, and I don't know what to do...

It's a lot of change, and a lot of thought.  Things I think I may need in my life.  So maybe this is a good thing.  I'm hoping and praying that this is a good thing.

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